and condition.


Company name: ViniViniVici S.à r.l. – S
Headquarters: 20, Rue Charles Bernhoeft 1240 LUXEMBOURG
Authorization: LUN0037351007
Registration number: B264074

Sales conditions

1. General information

ViniViniVici.com is an e-commerce for the distribution of wines and other alcoholic beverages and products, owned by ViniViniVici S.a.r.l..
The following conditions of sale govern the sale of all products marketed by ViniViniVici S.a.r.l. through the website www.ViniViniVici.com, in compliance with the law and EC directives related to electronic commerce and consumer protection.
Any changes or new conditions of sale, which ViniViniVici reserves the right to make at any time, will be effective from the moment of publication on the www.ViniViniVici.com website and will be applied only to sales concluded after their publication on that website.
The sale of all the goods and products on the www.ViniViniVici.com site is dedicated only to users over the age of 18 or who have reached 18 years at the time of the purchase.
Acceptance and specific approval of these conditions, which in accordance with current legislation can be stored and archived by the user, is essential for a correct purchase procedure. The user guarantees that the personal information provided is complete and true and cannot be transferred to third parties for any reason. The user releases ViniViniVici s.a.r.l. from liability from any compensation and/or sanction deriving from and/or in any way connected to the violation of the rules on Site registration. The user agrees to receive, to the e-mail address provided at registration, all the communications related to the completion of the purchase and sent by e-mail. If the user no longer intends to receive informative e-mail from ViniViniVici, he/she will receive the deactivation of the service.

2. Information directed to the conclusion of the contract

The user is informed that for the purpose of concluding the purchase contract for one or more products on the Site, the user must fill out an order form in electronic format and transmit it electronically, following the instructions indicated in the purchase section of the site. The correct receipt of the order will be confirmed by vinivinivici.com by sending a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the user during the purchase phase.
The contract is considered concluded when ViniViniVici.com has registered the order received, after verifying the correctness of the order and payment data; before sending the order, the user can identify and correct any data entry errors by following the instructions indicated in the various stages of the purchase; once the order form has been registered and the confirmation of the authorization for the payment of the total amount has been received, the user will receive from ViniViniVic.com – by e-mail to the email address indicated – the order confirmation and the relative payment receipt, the information related to the product purchased, detailed indication of the price, any taxes, the means of payment used, shipping costs and any additional costs. It is recommended to keep and print the e-mail received as proof of purchase; the order form will be filed by ViniViniVici only for the time necessary to process the order and, in any case, in accordance with the law.

3. Product availability and prices

Sale offers are limited to the available quantities.
All prices of the products on sale on the Site are expressed in Euros (€) and are inclusive of Value Added Tax (“VAT”) at the current rate at the time of the order and do not include any taxes, customs duties and other taxes applied in the country of destination of the goods, if different from the country of purchase, which remain the responsibility of the Customer, which also bears the burden of verifying their existence. Shipping costs and any other additional costs, including VAT, where due, and expressed in Euros (€), will be indicated separately in the order form before concluding the purchase and will still be indicated in the confirmation order e-mail. The price of the products can be changed without notice, being understood that the price charged to the user will be the one published when the order was sent.

4. Purchase orders and product availability

The order will be processed by ViniViniVici.com only after receiving confirmation of the authorization to the payment for the total amount due by the customer, consisting of the purchase price and any incidental costs, as specified in the order form. In the event that the ordered product is no longer available after the transmission of the purchase order, the customer will be promptly informed by a communication sent to the e-mail address indicated in the registration phase and the purchase order will be cancelled. If the payment has already been made, the total amount paid by the user will be refunded immediately and in any case within thirty (30) days from the day of the order, by crediting with the same mean of payment used by the user for the purchase. Any delays in crediting may depend on the banking institution, the type of credit card or the payment solution used and are in no way attributable to ViniViniVici.com.
ViniViniVici.com, in order to preserve the organoleptic characteristics and in consideration of the absence / limited presence of chemical products and preservatives in its products, reserves the right, upon specific notification on the Site and in the purchase phase, to limit or suspend shipments in certain periods of the year or to change the normal shipping and packaging procedure, if the shipment is still requested by the Customer even during the suspension of shipments ordered by ViniViniVici.com.

5. Delivery of the purchased products and verification of the status of the goods upon delivery

The delivery times of each product will be indicated during the purchase procedure and will, in any case, take place within thirty days from the day following the sending of the order. The delivery of the purchased products can only take place at the postal address specified by the user in the order form, by shipping with primary express courier with advance payment from ViniViniVici.com. Delivery to the floor is not planned.
In the event that the package, at the time of delivery by the carrier, shows obvious signs of tampering or alteration, or one of the packages is missing, the user is required to put a reserve on the transport document, indicating that he/she accepts the shipment “pending check of the content conditions” or that “signals the lack of n. packages”. If the shipment is fully or partially severely damaged, for example with leaking liquid, the user is required to refuse the delivery of those packages, indicating the reason in the note to be added to the transport document and giving in any case immediate communication to ViniViniVici of the incident, indicating the references of the order and shipment. In such cases, ViniViniVici s.a.r.l. at its own expense, will forward a new shipment, making the carrier responsible.

6. Right of withdrawal

The consumer user has the right to withdraw from the contract, without any penalty and without the burden of specifying the reason, within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the goods.
The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending a communication by e-mail to the Customer Service of vinivinivici.com at sales@vinivinivici.com, with indication of the number and date of the order, the code of each article for the which one intends to exercise the right of withdrawal and its bank details (IBAN).
The goods must be returned intact, in unaltered conditions and complete with the original packaging, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation e-mail from ViniViniVici with which authorization is given to return the goods, at the expense of the customer, to ViniViniVici SARL, 134, Route de Thionville, 2610 Luxembourg.
ViniViniVici will re-credit the amounts paid (excluding shipping costs) within a maximum of 30 days from the date on which it became aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer and in any case not before having received the return shipment and having checked the status of the goods subject to withdrawal.
The substantial integrity of the goods to be returned is an essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal.
The costs and risks associated with returning the products will be borne by the buyer. It should be noted that the EU legislation provides that the right of withdrawal can be exercised only by natural persons (consumers) who act for purposes that can be considered unrelated to their commercial activity. The right of withdrawal, therefore, cannot be exercised by legal persons and natural persons who act for purposes related to a commercial activity. Purchases made by resellers or by persons who for any reason purchase for resale to third parties are also excluded from the right of withdrawal.

7. Guarantees

ViniViniVici.com guarantees the quality of its products and their compliance with the data sheets published on the site, but these are natural products and customer satisfaction is first for us.
It is important to clarify that if still wines have slight reflections, it is to be considered a characteristic of the product given the limited presence, if not the total absence of added sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the wines of ViniViniVici.com.
We specify that the so-called “Bio” wines provide very low impact cellar practices and that any reduction notes should be considered characteristic of the product. A good oxygenation of the wine will release all or part of the reductive notes.
In the event that the goods prove to be defective for other reasons, the Customer can then return the goods to ViniViniVici SARL, 55, rue Gabriel Lippman, B.P. 54 L-6905 Niederanven, within ten days of delivery, baring shipping and packaging costs, and indicating the reason for the return. ViniViniVici.com will promptly replace the defective goods after checking the defect found, or refund the amount paid, if the goods are no longer available at the time of return.

8. Forum and applicable law

The general contract conditions are subject to the law of the country of purchase and each sales contract is subject to the jurisdiction of the country of purchase. For any controversy relating to the general conditions or to individual sales contracts, the Court of Luxembourg will have exclusive jurisdiction, without prejudice to the applicability of the mandatory provisions of the law in favour of the consumer user.